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Our Story

This is a story of passion, discovery, adventure and American ingenuity.


Once upon a time, a couple met the Yuzu Soy sauce at the famous New York City restaurant Nobu. It was love at first taste.  As most love stories go, the Yuzu was very elusive but they vowed to bring it home. 


After years of searching (as is normal in such stories), Yuzu trees were finally obtained and nurtured to produce the finest fruit in the land (New Jersey)! Such good fortune was shared with local farm-to-table restaurants who were very grateful for this bounty.


Many more citrus varieties were added to a greenhouse in Florence, New Jersey and entrusted to the care of Mother Earth, Bhumi, in Hindi.


Chef, bartenders, brewers, chocolatiers from lands afar, seeking fresh and superior quality citrus sent messages of interest (Instagram). Bhumi Growers now provides to clients in New York, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Chicago, Madison, Nashville.


And everyone now lives happily with citrus... 

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