Heirloom Navel oranges are best suited for both raw and cooked applications, but their balanced flavor is showcased when used fresh, out-of-hand. Sweet and easy-to-peel, Navel oranges can be segmented and tossed into green salads, blended into smoothies, garnished over cooked meats, or served over grain bowls and yogurt. The fruit can also be served over toast with melted brie, chopped into salsa, or topped over vanilla ice cream. The rind can be used to flavor baked goods such as cakes, zested to create flavored salts and sugars, or used as a flavoring for syrups, curds, and doughs. In addition to fresh applications, Navel oranges can be roasted to create a sweet layer of caramelization and are served with cinnamon as a dessert. While the fruit does contain a substantial amount of juice, Navel orange juice is recommended for immediate consumption. The juice contains an antioxidant known as limonin which causes the juice to turn bitter or sour after about thirty minutes of exposure to air. Navel oranges pair well with strawberries, bananas, coconut, pomegranate seeds, dried fruit, cucumber, snap peas, cabbage, cilantro, red bell pepper, quinoa, honey, Greek yogurt, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, sesame seeds, meat such as poultry, pork, steak, and salmon, shrimp, and scallops. The fruit will keep up to a week at room temperature and up to two weeks when stored in the refrigerator.
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5 Pounds
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